How to update stock quantities

Step 1: Open the items menu from the lefthand menu

(1) tap the 'hamburger' icon on the bottom left

(2) tap the 'items' button in the slide out menu. 




Step 2: Search for the item

(1) Search or scan item

(2) manually scroll the list



Step 3: On the Edit Item menu, scroll down until you see the Variations segment




Step 5:  Select "# In Stock" on the variation you are editing. 




Step 6: Select the purpose of the stock adjustment. 

(red circle) If you have received a shipment of stock select "Stock Received". This is where you add the number of stock you have received. This will add the amount of stock on top of the current stock quantity already in the store. ie, 6 on hand + 4 received = 10 total.

(blue circle) If you need to overwrite the total amount. This requires a full stock count of all the stock both already in the store and any new stock received. 




Step 7: Update the amount

(1) enter the amount

(2) tap save




Step 8: You will now see the system has recorded the new amount (circled in blue). Once you are satisfied click save. 



Stock update is complete. Repeat the above steps on all other items you need to update. 



Article Details

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Date added:
2021-11-04 11:11:19
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