Some information regarding the membership database

To renew your membership, you will still have to enter your credit card details as the system treats it as a new subscription. Once you click renew however, it will save these details against that particular subscription token and renew automatically, providing the credit card remains current.

Regarding any concern with the security of the system. The website plugin that is used for handling the memberships is Paid Memberships Pro (PMPro) and it is used and trusted by over 100,000+ websites globally. This plugin, coupled with Stripe and PayPal, makes our website fully PCI compliant, as PMPro handles your personal data (local server), and Stipe handles your financial data (cloud server). Because of this, users of WordPress back office, including the Global Admin, do not have access to your financial information, which makes sure that your details are secure, and keeps us complaint with relevant financial laws.

Due to these security requirements, there are some features of the website that we cannot change, this includes how the membership system operates. We understand that the website seems glitchy, but it is designed that way so that security is maintained.

Another point to note. Last year in November, we upgraded the website to the Pro editions of these plugins. What this means is that all memberships in the previous system had their auto renewal status voided. This is due to the system requiring all memberships to be updated to the new system. This has been a slow process that can only be done at the end user (member) level. All members who have their membership coming up, will need to renew their membership again.

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2021-10-26 11:05:20
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