Wildman - How to update/change user password.

To change your WildMan password please follow these steps. Note: the WildMan database changes your password in one step, as such, the system will ‘log you in’ and change your password simultaneously. 



If your new password is accepted, you will see this message box drop down. If not, please try again.


Press Ok


The screen will reload and bring up the animal list. 



Alternate Solution


Step 1: After successfully logging in, navigate to the Admin tab and open. 



Step 2: Select "Change Password" from the drop-down list next to "User Function".



Step 3: Enter your current password, followed by your new password entered twice. 



If your new password is accepted, you will see this message box drop down. If not, please try again.


If you have any issues with resetting your password, please contact your coordinator who can do this for you.  

Article Details

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Date added:
2021-10-09 07:16:25
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